Dear America: ‘The Fight for the Election is Over; We Must Now Fight for Our Way of Life’

Matthew Tillberry

Dear America,

These next four years will be tough. Our nation has been divided and tensions are high. Since the election the idea of how secure it was and whether or not it was a fair election has been in every American’s mind. I believe that it was stolen but we must move on as a nation. I believe that the fight for our nation is over in the way of changing the results of the election. But we are now fighting to preserve the very way we live. The people are all that stands between the downfall of our democracy and the rise of socialism. We are a nation built on the American dream and that if you work hard you can do anything. If socialism is to fully take effect the American Dream will be dead as it will no longer be freedom for all. Look at the big tech companies today like Twitter and Facebook and how they will censor you for speaking about a belief that they don’t agree with. We must unite as a nation put aside our differences and realize that we have to fight back against this socialist government. No matter Republican, Democrat, or any other party, we must realize that the constitution and our way of life is at risk of coming to an end. So no matter who you voted for, think about what you want to see in this nation. I see Democracy and freedom for all stand for the preservation of our nation.

Matthew Tillberry