Dear America: Today is a Fresh Start

Katie Slattery 

Dear America,

I mean this to be as kind as possible when I say this, no offense, but do you think you could get your crap together? Seriously. I’ve been stuck in quarantine and in this constant cycle of social distancing, getting exposed anyways, shoving a cotton swab up my nose, and then the same cycle all over again. You’re supposed to be the one that has everything under control, all mighty, all knowing, the perfect one that everyone wants to be friends with. Why can’t you be more like New Zealand or something? Is it really that hard to be normal for like two weeks to flatten a curve? On top of that, you haven’t even been able to stop fighting yourself for two seconds out of a day. You remind me somewhat of a vase that was broken but someone tried their best to hot glue you together. Sure you’re technically all together in one piece, but you’ve never really been together since that incident, have you? It’s comical at this point, waking up in the morning and hearing the new rumors and what happened to you. Regardless, today is a fresh start. (Specifically January 20th, 2021. Not sure when you’re going to read my letter so I feel the need to write it down for you with how clueless you’ve been lately…) Today marks a new beginning for you, America, and I’m hoping you’ll take my letter as a wake up call. There is still plenty of time to correct your mistakes and pull it together to better yourself.

Rooting for you,

Katie Slattery