Branches Combined: A Glimpse of Sunshine

Ava Connors, Multimedia Editor

The sidewalks were filled with the obstacles of wild berries, acorns, crunchy burnt orange leaves, families of pinecones, and fallen dark brown tree branches. I remember thinking “How would I ever be able to walk through this sidewalk if it is filled with so much blocking my way?”

My mom would guide me through the different paths I was blind to and help me overcome what I thought was impossible. The key lime green shirt I would wear on walks in the summer has now become a mustard yellow in my eyes. The things I thought seemed so big, ended up looking so small.

The different challenges I have faced, made me feel so blocked like a tall gray wall. Things that seemed impossible to let go of ended up washing away into the wind. Things I thought would never affect me, eventually seeped in. Memories I thought would fade away still manage to replay in my head.

People that once knew a part of me, now act like they don’t know what I said. The sidewalk looks different when I reflect on it now, what once was dark, gray, and alone is now bright, yellow, and found.