Choosing to be Kind to Yourself

Ava Connors, Staff Writer

Minnechaug Students are almost officially halfway through their school year. As we stroll into a new semester it not only means a fresh start with new classes, but it also presents an opportunity to show more kindness and grace to ourselves as we walk into the start of something new.

As stressful as school may be sometimes, we can take this new semester as a new chance to improve the way we treat ourselves. Forms of self-kindness differ for everyone and can be expressed in a multitude of ways.

Some ways to express kindness and compassion to yourself can be as simple as a deep breath before you start your day. You can also practice mindfulness which will help you become focused on the present moment, rather than worrying or stressing about the past, future, or things that you simply can’t control.

One way I show kindness to myself is by journaling. When I take time out of my day to just unwind and write about anything I want, it helps me unleash any overwhelming feelings I may have. It’s also enjoyable to look back at all the journal entries I have written to see how much I have grown.

Another way I show kindness to myself is by doing some of the things I love. Doing the things you love brings out the best in you and if you are able to carry that feeling with you your whole life, it will impact your point of view on different things you will encounter in your lifetime. Having high value for the smallest things makes you really appreciate every blessing you have in your life.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Dr. Dyer and it was also featured in the movie “Wonder.” I love this quote because it is a piece of advice you are able to keep in your back pocket and carry with you for the rest of your life, no matter where you are in your life. “If you have a choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.”