Students honor ‘Chaug Spanish Instructor with Teacher of Year Award

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Senior Joey Hackett presents Sra. Francis with the Teacher of the Year Award.

Quinn Suomala, Features Editor

As many of you already know, the wonderful Sra. Francis was the receptor of Minnechaug’s Teacher of the Year Award. Now I have never had the pleasure of having Sra. Francis as a Spanish teacher, but I do have her as an advisor, and even in those few minutes each week I can already see why the students nominated her for the award. 

It is clear through Sra. Francis’s actions that she cares deeply about her students. When I had the pleasure of interviewing her, she informed me that she tries to create a connection with each of her students, and that her main goal is not only to teach them Spanish, but also to make sure that they have a class where they can leave feeling happier than when they came in.

When I asked her what she thought made her stand out, she told me, “I try to make sure that there is something that is going to make them (the students) smile.” She finds it important that her students “respect me as a person as well as a teacher”. 

She told me that this award meant the world to her, as it is voted on by her students. She thinks that there were so many other teachers that also deserved this wonderful award, so she is on “cloud nine” over being the final recipient.

This year has been tough on all teachers, and she is proud of her colleagues for all the work they have been putting in to help the students. She is also proud of her students, as they have still been working hard despite the crazy world around them.

When asked what she would like to say to her students in regard to their nominations for this award, she simply said “muchas gracias”. She holds her students in high esteem and she is over the moon over the fact that they got something out of her class.

So, in the words of Sra. Francis, “gracias” Minnechaug, she is so happy to have made a difference for you.