Dear America: Lack of motivation is not about senioritis

Sydney Harrison, Contributor

Dear America,

When someone asks “How’s school going?” I rather curl up in a ball then attempt to answer this question. It fills me with frustration. Always being studious, pure contention on only doing my best work, and grateful for the outstanding education I am blessed with; has made me truly open my eyes to the COVID-19 horrors. The effects of the pandemic slowly have crept up on me without even realizing until the Fall 2020 school year finally began. I was hopeful for some stability and routine in my life again, and maybe this is my fault but unfortunately I will not get that. At least not in the form of school.

If asked, most of my peers would tell you they have “lost all motivation.” In all seriousness, I do not just think this is a case of “senioritis,” as the circumstances we are living through make the bearing of completing schoolwork and keeping grades up is highly tasking. Even for me, completing my work does not hold priority like it used to. Not to dismiss that there is a worldwide pandemic happening but students need to have something to strive for; something other than a letter or score. The matter of fact is, many students will not be putting in much effort at least for this school year. But we cannot let go of the career path skills that we gain from school because after all we are the next generation of the workforce. If we check out now, who will be in the line up to be the next doctors and scientists of the world. The kids who turned their camera off for zoom and called it a day?

I strongly believe that our teachers should help us equip for the ever-changing workforce. Skills such as interviewing, social manners, and different environments are presented to us briefly throughout the years, but not to the point where they would be 100% useful. If only taught once, how could someone remember that 4-6 years from now after they graduate and are applying for jobs? If children’s attention cannot be drawn, especially older ones, by the usual course requirements; why not use this time now to prepare for what is to come after high school? Maybe this is the perfect opportunity. Not only will it give valuable knowledge but also refocus on future goals and maintain the motivation we all have been missing.

I cannot speak for all students across the board but I can reassure myself that this will be one of the most difficult years of my life. Applying to colleges essentially on my own, isolation, and missing out on many important life experiences. Now that a huge portion of my time is being spent on zoom, it’s essential that I make good use out of what I’m learning from it. Things such as woodtech, gym, and art would pose many obstacles, so why not have lessons on possible career paths, job applications, and correct social manners. After all, aren’t we the future of America?


Sydney Harrison